Tuesday 11 June 2013

The 21st Century Teacher

I have been thinking about the role of the teacher in the 21st Century, about the challenges we face and how we are going to redefine how and what we do.

This will be a long term project - I don't pretend to have all the answers but here are a few things I've come to realise.

The Challenge to be Creative

It is no longer enough just to know your subject content. There are thousands of textbooks and websites out there crammed full of content. 

The challenge is to find ways to communicate this content in a creative way. 

Kids spend hours each day on interactive computer games, i-pods and x-boxes. we should not be surprised when they are not inspired by a textbook or photocopied worksheet.

So, how to bring creativity into the lesson?

Well, try a few of these...

  • use modern images - find new ways to present old ideas 

  • go transdisciplinary - bring music, drama, art, literature into your maths lessons

  • get outside - take your lesson out the door of your classroom and find out how the learning can happen out there in the real world

  • use technology - make movies, record music, create games - and use maths to do it

  • go global - we live in a small world - get connected to it and connect your classroom at the same time

Well, it's a start. 

Let me know if you have some suggestions to add to the list.

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