Tuesday 24 September 2013

My Name is 256

As a bit of fun this week, the boss has decided that teachers are going to wear a number around their necks - no, we are not all convicts doing time - it's a cunning plan to get the kids to look at numbers in new ways. We did a similar activity last year when we gave the kids a tables fact to wear for the day.

The whole idea is that the students are not allowed to use the names of the teachers. They need to call them by a number combination or calculation that equals their number.

For example, my number is 256, or as my daughter now calls me, 162  

Then, during the week, children are encouraged to record their calculations on white boards around the school. Here's an example of one:

AND we get to have some fun with Maths!


  1. That sounds like so much fun!

  2. Great idea! So open and appropriately challenging for everyone. Love the idea!

  3. I think that's an awesome way to show some many ways to solve a problem! I really loved how it was put all together in a central location so all the different combinations could be seen.

  4. sounds like fun. Why are you so rational.
    call me 2 rad 3


Any comments you would like to make?