Friday 17 February 2017


Australian readers may appreciate the reference to a cultural icon - Aunty Jack.

Just when you thought it was safe, I have returned from my year off (well, working hard at the Academy of Science, but more of that later) and am back in the classroom.

Look out Year 2 - it is going to be a year full of maths.

So, as every teacher does, I have set a few goals and resolutions for the year:

1. To focus on pattern making and spatial reasoning - get the kids to make, create and extend patterns each day as a "start the day with a bang" kind of activity.

2. Be patient - this is a personal goal. Be patient with the kids. Be patient with colleagues. Be patient the system. Be patient with myself. Lots of opportunity for growth here.

3. Nurture relationships for learning - get alongside the strugglers and hear the story from their perspective. Open doors to growth by listening and finding those "things that make you go WOW!"

4. Get back to the bagpipes.

I'll let you know how we progress with each of these over the year. 

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